By Sarahg2747: How could I go past this ray of sunshine whilst listening to Ellie Goulding 'Bright Lights' album? Is orange and pink your colours? From a summer vacation to an island getaway or the event that calls for a burst of colour, this Tibi dress is one that you can not go past and neither will the people that you meet whilst wearing this long dress. With a cut out on your upper back, you will be flashing just the right amount of skin as you swan your way through a fun evening. A burst of colour can be easily injected to an outfit. If the above dress may take you too far out of your comfort zone? But you do like colour... A bold coloured accessory may be just right. This Marc Jacobs pink rubber bracelet with silver embossed logo charm has the ability to accent your style with a small amount of colour with just as much fun. Also available