By sunnymzt: Thicker and longer eyelashes - the dream of every woman. As we can see almost every week beauty industry will create a new wonderful tool designed to make the appearance more charming. For your eyelash enhancement, refresh your memory, how many tubes of mascara have you already applied and how about the result? Today let's talk about how to take care of eyelashes and reveal the secrets of lengthening and thickening lashes in a natural way. (1) Luxurious eyelash – the
dream of every woman: In essence, eyelash is one of the hairs that acts as a protector for your eyes. It works to protect our eyes from dusty and debris. Besides, with longer eyelashes, your eyes looks bigger and charming. That's why almost every woman devote to looking for products or methods to regrow eyelashes. (2) Importance of caring eyelash: Just like other hairs on our skin, eyelashes also can break, fall out or change colors. For example, if using low-quality cosmetics or being lack of vitamin, eyelashes will become short and fragile. Eyelashes' average duration is about 5-6 months, and it takes 10 weeks for new lashes to regrow after the old ones falling out. Therefore you should protect the eyelashes carefully. (3) Eyelash daily nurse:What can we do to nurse our eyelashes in daily life ? In order to get healthy and strong eyelashes, please clean up your face every day. the eye area included. Expert advised to start with a regular makeup remover for eyelashes care. You can use conventional foams and gels for washing. Also make sure that don't wear too much eye makeup at the end up day. Just take a small amount of night cream of serum on your eyelid, and applying a suitable eyelash growth serum is key. (4) Essential things eyelashes need:In short, our eyelashes need balanced diet, nutrients and vitamins. Genetics has predetermined your eyelashes growth, however certain nutrients can improve the eyelashes' appearance naturally. (5) How to thicken and lengthen eyelashes:Eyelash serum may be a answer. With which people can regrow longer, fuller and thicker lashes in few weeks. It has been become the most popular product for women to change the appearance of eyelash. As we can see, more and more lash serum before and after photos are posted online to prove how effective these serums are. In addition, we also should know that genes determine original length of eyelashes. Therefore after getting ideal length, please apply eyelash serum once or twice a week to maintain the effect. There are many famous and effective brand of lash serum for us to choose, such as Latisse, the only one get FDA approval; Careprost, has the same ingredients as Latisse, Lilash, etc. Before placing your order, it is advised to read articles or product reviews online to get further learning about them. (6) Home remedies for eyelash care:Castor Oil and Olive Oil can be treated as natural serum for our eyelashes, every night before bed, you can apply either of them on your lashes with a clean brush or a cotton, then clean it up the next morning. Just keep using 2 -3 months, you can see the amazing results. Massage Eyelid regularly, which will help to improve blood flow to your hair follicles to enhance more nutrients reach there. Eyelash will become thicker. You can also apply the Vera gel mixed castor oil to enhance effect. You can also take a try of lemon peels, this food contains a large number of vitamins C and B, folic acid and other nutrients. Soak lemon peel in the container with enough olive or castor oil for a couple of weeks, then brush the oil on your lashes before bed. Keep this remedy for a few months to get big difference. No matter what measures we are taking for enhancing our eyelashes, the most important points are taking healthy habits and insisting on daily care. Proper care of eyelashes is the only way to lengthen, thicken and darken eyelashes effectively. Source: