Natural Remedies for Peptic Ulcers
- Natural cure is the best way to treat this ailment. Find in this post some of the simple and effective natural remedies & dietary tips for treating stomach ulcer-
- Drinking a cup of cabbage juice twice a day is said to be effective in curing stomach ulcer.
- Drinking a glass of coconut water twice a day is beneficial in stomach ulcers.
- Mix a tsp of honey with ½ a cup beetroot juice. Administer the same to the patient suffering from peptic ulcer.
- Soak 3-4 bael (Aegle marmelos) leaves overnight. In the morning, crush them and drink the water for relief from ulcer.
- Consuming the pulp of bael fruit is believed to be helpful in treating gastric & peptic ulcers.
- Blend the blanched almonds and extract milk from them. Having this formulation is said to cure ulcer.
- Taking 3-5 g of powdered liquorice (mulethi) with warm milk provides relief in stomach ulcer.
- First Line of Ulcer Treatment is the Diet!
Eating a fibrous & low fat diet would help to neutralize the gastric acid and reduce irritation of the stomach lining. Consuming boiled or steamed green vegetable like broccoli, alfalfa and tomatoes are also helpful in such conditions. Fruits such as mango, banana, dates and musk melon are the best fruits. Including diet rich in vitamins A, E and K offer protection against the ulcers & promote healing.
Eat small and frequent meals to keep these acids from attacking the stomach linings. Drink 3-4 liters of water daily, but not with or in between meals. Avoid coffee, alcohol, citrus juices, sugar, hot, greasy and spicy foods as these irritate the stomach. Take a low-salt diet to keep a check on hyperacidity and ulcers. Develop a regularity and balance in your daily activities. Eliminate all your worries and remain cheerful. Wish you a Happy and Healthy Living! HerbHealtH: Natural Remedies for Peptic Ulcers