Cool off on a hot day with these easy sorbets which serve as desserts for a tropical meal Tarla Dalal is one of the top 5 best selling cookery authors in the world. She has written 202 titles with the total sale exceeding 5 million copies. www.tarladalal.com is India's largest food site with thousands of free recipes that are easy and fun to use. She is the first to be awarded with the title of Padma Shree for her contribution in the field of cooking. She is the editor of her bi- monthly food magazine "Tarla Dalal, Cooking and More" Watermelon Sorbet: This sorbet is an unbeatable favourite with kids. In fact, it is apt to return to childhood. You just have to lounge on the beach with sorbet in your hand! You can have the ice with flavours of their choice. Here, a combination of lemon and watermelon has been used, both of which are very popular amongst kids. Adults can enjoy this drink as it is. Glass used: Hi-Ball glass, watermelon (tarbuj) cubes, deseeded 3 cups, milk powder 2 tbsp, sugar syrup 3 tbsp, lemon juice 3 tsp, crushed ice 1 cup, For the garnish, 4 watermelon (tarbuj) wedges, A sprig of mint leaves (pudina), Combine all the ingredients and blend in a mixer till it becomes smooth, In each Hi-Ball glass, pour equal quantity of the above juice and freeze for 3 to 4 hours. Serve immediately garnished with a watermelon wedge and mint leaves. Green Goddess Sorbet: Sorbets are healthy and low in calories, as they are made with fruit juices. However, I made them lower in calories by using sugar substitute instead of sugar. Ginger juice adds an extra zing to this sorbet. green grapes 2 cups, ginger juice ½ tsp, lemon juice 2 tsp, sugar 4 tsp, For the garnish A few mint (pudina) leaves. Combine all the ingredients with 1 cup water and blend in a mixer to get a smooth purée. Transfer into on a shallow container. Cover and freeze for 4 to 6 hours.Scrape out using a fork and serve chilled in small individual glasses. Black grape granita: The lovely deep purple colour is enough to entice one and all to go for it. Delicately flavoured with roasted cumin powder and black salt, this sorbet is sure to perk you up on a hot summer afternoon. black grapes 1 cup, banana, finely chopped 1, powdered sugar 2 tbsp, lemon juice ¼ tbsp, roasted cumin seed (jeera) powder 1 tsp, black salt (sanchal) ¼ tsp. Blend the black grapes and bananas to a fine purée in a food processor. Add the sugar, lemon juice, cumin seed powder, black salt and ¼ cup of water and mix well. Freeze in a shallow container till set (approximately 4 to 6 hours). Transfer to a blender and liquidise till it is slushy. Serve scoops of the mixture in 4 individual bowls or long stemmed glasses.Serve immediately. Strawberry Banana Apple Sorbet: Strawberry, apple & banana lend their unusual flavours to make this sumptuous sorbet. Bananas reduce the sharpness of the strawberries and impart a smooth and creamy texture to this sorbet. apple, peeled and chopped 1 cup, ripe banana, chopped 1 strawberries, sliced ½ cup sugar 3 tbsp, Blend all the ingredients in a liquidiser to get a smooth purée. Freeze in shallow containers. Cover and freeze till it is set. Just before serving, cut the frozen mixture into small cubes and blend in a liquidiser till it is thick and slushy. Spoon it into dessert glasses and serve immediately. Handy Tip: Add 2 tablespoons of skimmed milk powder to get a creamier sorbet. Source: The Hans India, Image: flickr.com