Once there was a time when all the family members sit together in the evening hour for one and half hour and enjoyed the telecast of family, religious dramas. At that the episodes telecasted give the feeling of united family. We did not feel the shame to see the telecast. There was a craze about all the serials and show. Today the advance technologies have changed the face of media. Now media is only a source of vulgarity, violence and sex. 90% telecast is based on negative emotions and feeling. Can you see a single show with your family members? Of course not today the serials are not promoting the strong relationships in family. But the main motto is to get high TRP rate to get popular and make more money. In every serial it is shown that a male or female has extra-marital affair. Is this our culture? This is the level of our nation is? What the message media wants to convey the people. If a student bunks from the college or school, that student is not responsible for that, responsible is media. He shows such telecasts in which the innocent boy is made fool by other ones and those who are involved in smoking and other vulgarities are popular one. Youth age is not very matured age. Youth is very innocent. He is not able to understand what is important in his life. He gets attracted towards negative attitudes very soon. He does not know what he will lose in later age? Last week I was watching a serial in TV. In this serial, the father is very strict to their children and does not allow their girls children to see vulgar serials and songs. The younger girl approaches to her neighbor for watching TV. Her neighbor is shown as a young boy. He has an intention that one day the girl will be in love with him and thus he agrees her every wish. Analyze the above case here, what the effect of above scene will be on your child boy or child girl when he or she will see the same. The serial was there in which a girl married to five boys one after another as she had some of the misunderstanding with their ex-husband. The serial was so popular. This is not our cultures that divorce your partner if some misunderstanding is there. News Channel has lost its entire craze. Once there was a time the news were telecasted twice or thrice in a day. Every person waited for the time to listen news and the news were news at that time. Now these days when you switch to news channels the only news about Bollywood or Serials. This is the only area to cover. I have remembered the telecast of Ramayana on TV. The people were crazy at that time. Now these days no one is interested in such episodes. Some of the channels are trying by telecasting one or two serials like ‘Mahima Shani Dev Ki’ and ‘Chandragupt Maurya’. Insist your child to see these types of prormams. Do not follow the culture of Europe or some other western countries otherwise it will be very late when we will wake up and try to take our child to back in India. Source: Medley News, Image: flickr.com