Bangalore’s folk-rock band Swarathma enjoys wide popularity for its unique style of music. The band consists of Pavan on percussion, Jishnu on bass, Varun on guitar, Vasu on guitar and Sanjeev on violin - all of them sing with Montry on drums. The best part of their music is that it is rooted in Indian music in terms of its value and traditions. The fusion of Carnatic with jazz and rock, teamed with extreme energy levels during performances, has made its way to the hearts of young music lovers across the country and beyond. The band got its break when it won the SMS contest organised by Radio City Live in 2006 at Bangalore for the best band. The original sound from the band, coupled with the fact that the band sang a Kannada song ‘Ee Bhoomi’ from the contest, contributed to their win back then. The same quality of music is what brings them closer to music lovers across the world. Today Swarathma travels extensively for its concerts. Their advantage has been that they were not afraid to stay rooted to tradition, yet did not shy away from taking from the best of west. They develop what is called Swarathma brand of contemporary Indian folk music. Though they have been making music for a decade, they released their debut album only in the year 2009. After three years, the band has released the second album ‘Topiwalleh.’ In their words – ‘Topiwalleh’ is an album that consistently says something in each song. Whether it is the nudge-nudge, wink-wink, sarcasm-tinged titled track or the visceral anger on gham, the track on child abuse, we have started, very subtly, taking stands on the issues we believe in.” The band is going to perform in Hyderabad at The Hard Rock Café on Thursday. Source: The Hans India