A study has shown that adding extra fruit and vegetable to the diet of patients recovering from kidney disease may speed up the route to recovery. Alkaline therapy is used to treat CKD patients with severe metabolic acidosis (too much acid in the body). Nimrit Goraya, MD (Texas A and M College of Medicine) and her colleagues looked to see if adding fruits and vegetables, with high alkaline content, can benefit CKD patients with less severe metabolic acidosis. For the study, 108 patients were randomized to receive added fruits and vegetables, an oral alkaline medication, or nothing. After three years, consuming either fruits and vegetables or the oral medication reduced a marker of metabolic acidosis and preserved kidney function to similar extents. Study co-authors for “Fruits and Vegetables or Oral NaHCO3 Preserve GFR and Reduce Urine Angiotensinogen, a Marker of Kidney Angiotensin II Activity, in Stage 3 CKD” include Chanhee Jo, PhD, Jan Simoni, PhD, and Donald E. Wesson, MD. The finding was presented during the American Society of Nephrology’s Annual Kidney Week. Source: Fresh-Plaza, Image: flickr.com