Mums are bombarded with around 300 questions from their children on a daily basis, a new study has revealed. And girls aged four are the most curious, asking an incredible 390 questions per day, the study by online retailer Littlewoods.com found From breakfast at 7.19am to tea time at 7.59pm, the average British mum faces a testing 12.5 hour day of questioning - working out at one question every two minutes 36 seconds, the Telegraph reported. Most questions are asked during meal times, young children rattling off 11, it revealed. This is closely followed by a routine trip to the shops, prompting 10, and the reading of a bed-time story, which typically results in nine. Interestingly, a huge 82 per cent of infants apparently go to their mum first rather than their dad if they have a query. A quarter of children, 24 per cent, said they go to their mother first if they have a question because their dad will just say ask your mum. The sorts of questions mums tend to get asked varies greatly, but the most difficult include why is water wet? and what are shadows made of?. Other, more awkward, queries include why do we have to go to school? and why are you so old?. The research, involving 1,000 mothers with children aged between two and ten, found the amount of questions asked by children differs with age and gender, four year old girls being the most inquisitive. At the other end of the spectrum, nine-year-old boys are more content with their knowledge, asking 144 questions per day - one every five minutes 12 seconds. And though the number of questions kids ask falls with age, they increase in difficulty - so much so 82 per cent of mums admit they can't answer them. Nine out of ten mothers admitted that they have resorted to secretly using Google to solve their infant's problem. Source: Hindustan Times