Asthma patients must avoid five foods

Many people suffer from asthma. Asthma is a chronic problem that causes difficulty breathing. Sneezing, coughing, chest tightness, difficulty breathing etc. are some of the symptoms of asthma.

People who have asthma during coronavirus pandemic are at higher risk of infection. So, asthma patients must be more careful during this time. There are certain foods that further increase the health risks of asthma patients. So, you must exclude those foods from the menu:


Egg allergy is very common for asthma patients. The white part of the egg contains protein which stimulates allergy and exacerbates asthma.


Milk contains a lot of calcium which strengthens bones and teeth. However, the protein in it multiplies the problem of asthma.


Experts claim that eating nuts also increases the risk of asthma. So, you must refrain from eating nuts.


A protein called gluten in wheat makes asthma worse. This also causes breathing problems.


Shrimp is high in sulfite, which is the cause of allergy for many people. Source: