- 1-2 Cucumbers
- For a touch of sweetness, add a small piece of apple.
2. The best juice for Anti-Aging: Blueberries, Strawberries, & Kale
When stress, free-radicals, and lack of exercise and sleep attempt to age your skin, Patty James, certified natural chef and author of More Vegetables Please!, recommends fighting off Mother Nature with antioxidant -packed fruits and veggies that can easily be juiced.
- 1 1/2 cups liquid of your choice (water or any kind of milk)
- 1 cup blueberries
- 1/2 cup strawberries
- 1 large leaf kale (thick stem removed)
- 1/2 medium beet
3. The best juice to boost your $ex Drive: Celery
While oysters and chocolate are a delicious way to get you and your partner in the mood, they're not so appealing juiced. Thankfully, James' top libido-boosting foods are also delicious in liquid form. "Celery contains an ingredient that increases those well-known pheromones in men that send out signals to women saying 'here I am'," James says. "Watermelon helps to relax the blood vessels that increase $ex drive, and avocados contain a B vitamin said to boost male hormone production."
- 2 cups coconut water
- 2 stalks celery
- 1/2 banana
- Ginger (a small piece)
- 1/2 Avocado
- Basil (a handful)
- 3 figs
4. The best juice to boost your immune system: Broccoli
Sip on this to stay well all year! "Broccoli is very high in vitamin C , which increases the production of infection-fighting white blood cells," Judita Wignall, author of Going Raw says. "Garlic contains sulfur-containing compounds that have powerful immune-boosting antimicrobial properties."
- 1 small beet
- 3 carrots
- 8 stalks celery
- 1 stalk broccoli
- 2 cloves garlic
The best foods to boost your Immunity
Monsoon can be a hugely vulnerable time for the body, with pesky germs thriving on the warmth of well-incubated office blocks, houses and shops. With so much illness about, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll feel a slight twinge in your throat at some point. But thankfully there are easy ways to combat the onset of germs. Indeed, you can save yourself a lot time and money by avoiding the pharmacy altogether and simply eating your way towards better immunity. White blood cells in the body work to fight bacteria and harmful toxins. However, to perform effectively, these cells need to regenerate in an effort to defend you from feeling ill. There are a number of key foods we can consume to feed our white blood cells with the nutrients they need to thrive and these may include the following:
5. The best juice for stress relief: Carrots
When Eat Naked author Margaret Floyd needs to wind down after a long day, she turns to spinach . "Spinach is high in the amino acid tryptophan, which helps elevate your mood and promotes better sleep," Floyd says. "It's also high in magnesium, which helps to relax nerves and muscles."
- 2 big handfuls Spinach
- 3-4 stalks Broccoli
- 3-4 stalks Celery1 large or 2 small carrots