TikTok users tuning into a viral video got to see a brief glimpse into the special relationship between a young woman and her grandmother, with the former teaching herself to sew in order to bring to life fashion sketches made by the latter over 60 years ago. Julia, (@boringbb on TikTok) a content creator with a passion for fashion, said she was so inspired by the sketches she decided to start making some of them herself. She started by watching YouTube videos on various techniques of sewing and stitching, and playing around with different items she would thrift until she had something like what she saw in the sketches. Her grandmother dropped out of fashion and design school in the 1940s to support her family financially and never returned to the career she fancied. “It’s one thing to see it in a drawing but it’s—when you’re putting it together and I see it in real life it kind of makes me want to cry a little bit,” her grandmother said in the video with about 20 million views, after Julia unveiled a black and blue “Moulin Rouge” ballet dress. While that was just one moment on TikTok, Julia has been doing this for years, and imagined erroneously that people would get bored after the third or fourth dress. People have continued to enjoy the videos in large numbers. Regardless, the brief spurt of social media stardom isn’t what Julia is after. She thoroughly enjoys making the dresses as a way of connecting with her grandmother—both to her Depression-era fashion sense and to who she is today.“Now, she talks to me more about fashion and her interests, more of an adult sort of friendship relationship that we have now,” Julia told GMA. “I think that she’s now able to not only see me as her granddaughter but also see me as a friend.”Woman Brings to Life Fashion Sketches Made By Her Grandma After 80 Years on Paper (LOOK)