Tips For More Healthy: Some see the ancient Greek "Father of Medicine", Hippocrates, first as a defender of naturopathic medicine, before the term existed. Modern practice of naturopathy is rooted in Nature Cure movement of Europe during the 19th century. In Scotland, Thomas Allinson started advocating his "Hygienic Medicine" in the 1880s, promoting a natural diet and exercise to avoid tobacco and overwork. Sanipractor This term is sometimes used to refer to naturopaths, particularly in the Pacific Northwest United States. Naturopathic Medicine or Naturopathy is a form of alternative medicine based on trust vitalism, which states that a special energy called a vital energy or vital force guides the body such as metabolism, reproduction, growth, and adaptation. Naturopathic philosophy favors a holistic approach, and, like conventional medicine seeks to find a minimally invasive measures are necessary for symptomatic improvement or resolution, thereby encouraging the use of minimal surgery and drugs are not necessary. According to the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges, "Naturopathic medicine is defined by principles rather than by the methods or modalities. Above all, respect the body's innate wisdom to heal." According to the American Cancer Society, "Available scientific evidence does not support the claim that naturopathic medicine can cure cancer or other diseases, because almost no studies on naturopathy as a whole has been published." The "naturopathy" to translate the term comes from Greek and Latin, and literally as "nature disease." Modern naturopathy grew out of the Nature Cure movement in Europe. The term was coined in 1895 by John Scheel, and popularized by Benedict Lust, "Father of U.S. naturopathy". Beginning in the 1970s, there is resurgence of interest in the United States and Canada in conjunction with holistic health movement. Naturopathic practitioners are divided into two groups, traditional naturopaths and naturopathic physicians. Naturopathic doctors use the principles of naturopathy in the context of conventional medical practice. Naturopathy consists of different treatment modalities of various levels of acceptance by the conventional medical community; these treatments range from the standard of evidence-based care, for homeopathy and other practices are sometimes characterized as pseudoscience. Naturopathy is practiced in many countries, especially the United States and Canada, and subject to different regulatory standards and levels of acceptance. The scope of practice varies widely between jurisdictions, and naturopaths in unregulated jurisdictions may use designation of Naturopathic Doctor or other title without the level of education. Philosophical foundations and methodological naturopathic sometimes at odds with the paradigm of evidence-based medicine (EBM). Many naturopaths oppose vaccination in part based on the philosophy that forms the beginning of the profession. The term naturopathy was coined in 1895 by John Scheel, and purchased by Benedict Lust, "Father of U.S. naturopathy". Lust has been educated in hydrotherapy and natural health practices in Germany by Father Sebastian Kneipp; Kneipp Lust shipped to the United States to deploy its drugless methods. Lust naturopathy is defined as a broad discipline rather than a specific method, and includes techniques such as hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, and homeopathy, as well as eliminating overeating,

tea, coffee, and alcohol. He described the body as a spiritual and vitalistic with "absolute dependence on the cosmic forces of human nature." In 1901, Lust founded the American School of Naturopathy in New York. In 1902, the original North American Society Kneipp discontinued and renamed "naturopathic community". In September 1919 Naturopathic Society of America was dissolved, and Dr. Benedict Lust founded the "American Association of Naturopathic" to replace it. Naturopaths to be licensed naturopathic or drugless practitioner of law in 25 states in the first three decades of the twentieth century. Naturopathy adopted by many chiropractors, and some schools offered both (DC) Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) and Doctor of Chiropractic degree. Estimated number of active naturopathic schools in the United States during this period varies from about one to two dozen. After a period of rapid growth, naturopathy went into decline for several decades after the 1930's. In 1910, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching published the Flexner Report, which criticized many aspects of medical education, particularly quality and lack of scientific rigor. The advent of penicillin and other "miracle cures" and popularity due to modern medicine also contributed to the decline of naturopathy's. In the 1940s and 1950s, expanding the legal scope of chiropractic practice led many schools to drop their ND degree, although many chiropractors continue to practice naturopathy. From 1940 to 1963, the American Medical Association campaigned against heterodox medical system. In 1958, the practice of naturopathy is licensed only five countries. In 1968, the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare issued a report on naturopathy concludes that naturopathy is not based on science of naturopathic medicine and that education is not enough to prepare graduates to make the right diagnosis and provide treatment; a report recommending against the expansion of Medicare coverage for include naturopathic medicine. In 1977, an Australian inquiry committee reached the same conclusion, but does not recommend licensing for naturopaths. In 2009, fifteen fifty U.S. states, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia licensed naturopathic physician, and two states (WA, VT) requires insurers to provide reimbursement for services provided by naturopathic physicians. Naturopathy never really ceased to exist. Beginning in the 1970s, the wax flowers in the United States and Canada in conjunction with holistic health movement. Today, there are nine schools that offer certificates or Traditional naturopathy degree programs accredited by the American Board of Naturopathic Medical Accredation National Board of Naturopathic Examiners of ANA currently recognizes two schools that offer programs Naturopathy Doctorate Degree Represented by six naturopathic medical schools accredited naturopathic medicine and a candidate for accreditation in North America. In 1956, Charles Stone, Frank Spaulding, and W. Martin Bleything founded the National College of Natural (NCNM) in Portland, Oregon in response to plans by the Western States Chiropractic College to drop the course ND. In 1978, Sheila Quinn, Joseph Pizzorno, William Mitchell, and Les Griffith founded John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine (now Bastyr University) in Seattle, Washington. In the same year, the Canadian College Naturopathic Medicine was founded in Toronto, Canada. Recently founded the school, including Southwest College Naturopathic Medicine, established in 1992, and the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, also founded in 1992. The University of Bridgeport in Connecticut, ND grant degrees through the College of Naturopathic Medicine, and National University of Health Sciences in Illinois recently developed naturopathic programs

and is currently a candidate for accreditation.Naturopathic ideology focuses on substances that occur naturally, minimally invasive method, and the encouragement of natural healing. Naturopaths generally supports an intuitive and vitalistic concept of the body, and a complete rejection of modern biomedical science and the public. Stress reduction and prevention through a healthy diet and lifestyle are very stressed, and pharmaceutical drugs, ionizing radiation, and surgery is generally minimized. The philosophy of naturopathic practice is self-described by six core values. Several versions exist in the form of the naturopathic doctor's oath, the various missions issued by the school or professional association, ethical behavior and guidelines issued by regulatory agencies: * First, do no harm, providing the most effective health care is available with minimal risk to patients at all times (non nocere quaeritur).* Recognizing, respecting and promoting self-healing power of nature inherent in every human individual. (Vis Naturae medicatrix, a form of vitalism). * Identify and remove the causes of disease, rather than eliminate or suppress symptoms (Tolle Causum). * Educate, inspire rational hope and encourage self-responsibility for health (doctor as teacher). * Treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences. (Treat the Whole Person). * Emphasize health condition to improve the well-being and prevent illness for the individual, every society and our world. (Health Promotion, the Best Prevention) * Naturopaths use a variety of treatment modalities, with a focus on natural healing itself rather than any specific method. Some methods depend on the material "vital energy field", the existence of which has not been proven, and there are concerns that naturopathy as the field tends toward isolation from the general scholarly discourse. The effectiveness of naturopathy as a whole system has not been systematically evaluated, and the efficacy of individual methods used vary. A consultation usually begins with a lengthy interview patients to focus on lifestyle, medical history, emotional tone, and physical characteristics, and physical examination. The traditional naturopath focuses on lifestyle changes and approaches that support the body's innate healing potential. Traditional naturopaths do not attempt to diagnose or treat illness but to concentrate on the health of the entire body and facilitate the body's own healing. Traditional Naturopaths do not prescribe or attempt to engage in the use of drugs, serum, potion, surgery or treatment of certain diseases or the practice of conventional medicine. Naturopathic medicine practitioners resist the urge to become a major service provider and in addition to various natural approaches attempt to prescribe legend drugs, perform minor operations and implement other approaches to conventional medical practice them. Naturopaths do not always recommend the vaccine and antibiotics, and can provide alternative solutions that are not appropriate even in cases in which evidence-based medicine has been proven effective. All forms of naturopathic education includes the concept does not correspond to basic science, and not have to prepare the practitioner to make a correct diagnosis or referral. Source: Tips For More Healthy: Naturopathic