News headlines recently reported that women are set to lead top public sector banks, mirroring a growing trend in the private sector. Women have proved themselves proficient in the workplace, with powerful skill sets as leaders. They are more collaborative, have higher EQ (emotional quotient), and are better people managers. It is well documented that gender equality and economic development go hand-in-hand. Empowering women results in higher literacy among children, improves the family’s socio-economic situation, and ensures higher household savings that are pumped back into the economy. Has India really achieved gender equality? A closer looks at the facts reveals that India has the biggest percentage of women dropping out of the workforce between junior and middle levels. Women take a break from their careers when they have children. Despite 90% wanting to return to the workforce, employees discriminate against gaps on a resume, and women are forced to give up their careers. The result? Less than 10% of senior management inIndia is female. aSource: a2z Information