Maqpie and whiskeyjack, By minouette: Andrew Chase, Cheetah, (electrical conduit, auto transmission parts, 20-gauge steel and random parts found in an industrial salvage yard, weighs 50 lbs. The cheetah measures 24" high (61cm) and 50" nose to tail (127cm)) I am tempted to make no comment, and leave the robot cheetah running - it is a statement in and of itself. I don't believe the cheetah sculpture really runs, but it is fully articulated and this is a clever use of stop - motion. It is made by Andrew Chase, a "self - employed commercial photographer, furniture maker, welder as well as a highly talented assemblage artist" who likes to make robot animals with bits of cars and plumbing. I think this quixotic activity is genius.
The elephant weighs about 110 lb and took about 100 hours to build. It is made out of auto transmission parts, electrical conduit, plumbing pipe and 20 gauge cold rolled steel. All the joints move and lock in place. Turning a gear on the elephant's side winds a cable around a shaft which raises and lowers the fully articulated trunk. The ears also move back and forth and and fan out.
Giraffe (transmission parts, electrical conduit, plumbing pipe, and sheet steel. A removable crank raises and lowers its neck. 6 ft high)
Apparently, these will be part of a book called the Trionic Morphatractable Engineer. {via bioephemera and io9}Source: Maqpie and whiskeyjack