Tips for more healthy: Kunyit or (Curcuma longa Linn.) or Curcuma domestica Val. Familia: Zingiberaceae turmenic(Curcuma domestic) including one of the spices and medicinal plants, native habitat of this plant covers an area of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. These plants then have spread to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and even Africa. Almost everyone Indonesia and India as well as Asian nations generally have to consume this herb plants, either as a complement cooking, herbal medicine or to maintain health and beauty. Local Name: Saffron (UK), turmeric (Netherlands), Kunyit (Indonesia); Kunir (Java), Koneng (Sunda), Konyet (Madura); Chemical Ingredients: Kunyit contains medicinal compounds, called curcuminoids consisting of curcumin , desmetoksikumin , bisdesmetoksikurkumin and other useful

substances. Kunyit or turmenic one spice plants that have been commonly used, both as a spice in cooking, natural dyes, cosmetics and for treatment. Some chemical constituents of rhizome of Kunyit is known that as many as 6% volatile oil composed of monoterpenes and sesquiterpen compound classes (includes zingiberen, alpha and beta-turmerone), yellow dye called as much as 5% curcuminoids (including curcumin 50-60% , monodesmetoksikurkumin and bidesmetoksikurkumin), protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamin C. The efficacy of Kunyit in health care, among others: overcoming various types of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, typhoid, appendicitis, dysentery, leucorrhoea, menstruation is not smooth, stomach pains during menstruation, facilitate breastfeeding, tonsils, swollen gums, swollen foot and leg injuries , drug hepatitis, skin diseases, rheumatism, and other properties. Read Full Article At: Tips for more healthy