Go to two to three decades back, and sing the song of Raj Kapoor, ‘Mera Joota Hai Japani….’. Yes friends, the fashion of Japan is growing in India at high extent. Not only is this song but there so many other items that indicate the growing fashion of Japan in India. From the food to culture both the countries are providing the good services to each other. From both countries, many people are trying their best to grow this mixed culture. In India, many of the metro cities, we can find Japanese food and fashion. Many of the designers have display a show under the banner of Cross Cultural Exchange in Mumbai. According to a designer, the fashion trends of Japan are appreciated most at high level. Not only Japanese food but pop music and fashion is also very much liked by Indians. Not only Indians, but other countries are also attracted towards the fashion trends of Japan. What is the reason that people are attracted toward the fashion trends of Japan? Some of the designers have opinion that it is very easy to wear the fabrics and costumes of Japan. A person feels comfortable by wearing the Japanese costumes. Anuj Jodhani, who is running an organization for promoting the art and culture of Japan in India, has opinion that Indians has developed the taste in Japanese food. The opening of Japanese restaurants in Delhi, Mumbai and other cities are indicating this fact as a true opinion. It is noticed that Indians are attracted towards art and culture of Japanese from last four to five years. Japanese food has earned a good market as compare to Japanese fashion. The fact is surprising that there are so many similarities between art and culture of Japan and India. Even you can find the similarities between the values and principles. For example it is also the culture of Japanese to put off their shoe before entering in house and do the prayer before taking meals. One of the designers have a view that those who were fond of western culture now also agreed that Japan has a rich and sound culture and art. Every art and culture has some meaning in Japan. Japanese fashion if going popular in entire world. In Delhi and Mumbai people are very aware about their health. They want to consume low calorie food, which can fit them healthy and make them active for full day. The low calorie Japanese diet is becoming a choice of people residing in Delhi and Mumbai. Some of the Japanese food that is becoming the choice of Indians is: Sushi: Sushi is a combination of fish and rice which is sour in taste. The food is considered as low in fat and high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Simmered Tempura: This dish is served on rice and prepared with eggs. Tamogoyaki: The dish is rolled omelets prepared with eggs. Stuffed Mushrooms: This dish is used as snacks. Shiratama Dessert: Chewy dumplings made from rice flour and flavored with fruits and jams. Source; Medley News, Image: flickr.com