made and cave-aged for 18 months by famed cheesemaker James Montgomery of Somerset, England. There are also shaved black truffles, a fried quail egg, a blini, creme fraiche, Kaluga caviar and a white truffle-buttered Campagna roll. The final touch? Wait for it -- a solid gold "Fleur de Lis" toothpick, encrusted with diamonds, designed by world-renowned jeweler Euphoria New York. Seriously. Serendipity isn't trying to cash out; they're donating all profits to the Bowery Mission, which serves homeless and hungry New Yorkers. "Today" co-hosts Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb have already tried the burger, racking up a nearly $600 tab in the process. After one bite, Kotbe exclaimed, "I just ate eighty dollars." The burger joins the ranks of other seriously expensive fare at Serendipity, which to date has included an opulent $1,000 sundae and a $69 hot dog. (Huffingtonpost.com) Source: Sam Daily Times