Soy consumption reduces the risk of lung disease Eating large amounts of soy may reduce the risk of developing a breathing problem known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), researchers report. Smoking is the main risk factor for COPD, said Dr. Andy H. team Lee, of Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia, in his article published in the journal Respiratory Research. "Other factors such as diet and environmental exposures contribute to protect or develop the disease," they said. The team studied 278 patients with COPD (244 men and 34 women) between 50 and 75 years, diagnosed in the last four years. The authors also recruited 340 people (272 men and 68 women) without the disease. The control group consumed more soy per day (about 60 grams) than COPD patients (about 45 grams). The risk of COPD was significantly reduced among those who ate the most soy. Similar decreases in the risk of COPD was recorded with a higher intake of tofu and bean sprouts. The more people ate soy, had minor respiratory problems, especially shortness of breath. "Regular consumption of soy-based foods can (...) have an important impact on the costs of health care systems-related morbidity and death from this disease," said Dr. Lee. "We recommend follow-up studies to assess whether long-term intake of soy can extend survival of patients already diagnosed with COPD," the researcher added. Source: Forum Human Health