Stress and anxiety related to family and work are of greatest concern to the scientific community Stress is an experience of psychological instability in response to environmental factors. This disease is a source of pathology and effects in the short, medium and long term. You can also damage the brain at the molecular level and from there spread its damage to the body. Anxiety and stress are disorders that involve a huge social burden in terms of disability and social costs. It is estimated that between 25 and 40 percent of the population has an episode of anxiety throughout his life. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorder among the general population. Anxiety and stress appear as two sides of same coin. "Anxiety is the psychological aspect of stress and this is the slope somatic, the biological side, anxiety," said José Luis Carrasco, section chief of the Psychiatry and Director of the Unit Personality Disorders Clinical Hospital San Carlos, Madrid, Spain. "Normally, anxiety and / or stress allow the individual to interact with their environment, but when they become pathological can be generated in the individual suffering, disability to cope with everyday life and an increased risk of suicide and fall into addiction . In this sense, stress and anxiety related to family and work are of greatest concern, "notes Carrasco. In the words of the expert, "anxiety disorders involve a huge social burden in terms of disability and social costs due to, among other factors that usually appear early (in adolescence) are very persistent, cause much suffering, require significant assistance partner -health cause frequent absences from work, etc. ". This issue is connected with one of the great concerns of our time: the crisis. José Luis Carrasco believes that "the syndrome of the crisis affecting all branches of medicine, since after several underlying symptoms of anxiety and distress, whose origin is uncertain about the future." The specialist distinguishes between "two types of conditions. On the one hand of the individual who has not lost his job and is in a more normal situation, whose main problems are dizziness, headaches, lack of sleep or appetite and pain. On the other hand, are directly affected by the crisis, either because they have lost their jobs or because they are in a critical situation. In this case there is a basis of hopelessness that leads to symptoms of depression, discouragement, tiredness or lack of interest "Source: Forum Human Health,