Body can express your thoughts and ideas to the person you are communicating without uttering a word. Here are a few signs and languages to help your body convey right messages Did you know that your body has a language? It is a very important medium of communication which constitutes to 60 per cent of what your communicating. Also known as ‘non-verbal communication’, in this type, communication happens via body postures, gestures, eye movement, facial expression, movement of hands, shrugging the shoulders, standing or sitting postures, etc. If you wish to communicate well, then it makes sense to understand how you should use your body to say what you mean. Behavioural psychologists have conducted considerable research programmes on non-verbal communication and have studied human behavioural clues that could be useful for developing a better rapport with the person one is communicating with. Unintentional human gestures such as making an eye-rub, a chin-rest, a lip-touch, a nose-itch, a head-scratch, an ear-scratch, crossing arms, and a finger-lock have been found conveying some useful information in a specific context. Experts say first impression is the best impression. So, let us practice how to give the best first impression to others by altering/improving our body language. While our parents taught us to use physical expressions like waving the hands, pointing fingers, thumbs up, touching, shaking hands, folding hands, etc, it is necessary to practice accepted international gestures also. This will help you communicate with everyone more effectively. For instance, in India most people nod their head horizontally in a slow motion to say ‘Yes’ and in a fast motion to say ‘No’. Please note that the international practice is different. They nod their head vertically to say ‘Yes’ and horizontally to say ‘No’. Well, I didn’t know it myself when I first visited America in 1985. These are the common gestures in most of the countries. There is no specific universal sign for any expression. For instance, when you show two fingers, ‘V’, it is a sign of victory, whereas in some of the African countries, it is a sign of accepting defeat. During the seminars, group discussions and in interviews, your body language is being observed by the other participants to know your real intention. Therefore, mind your language and body language too. The body language can be altered and improved on practice. (Dr BV Pattabhi Ram is a renowned personality developer who holds a PhD from Osmania University. He conducts workshops on Soft Skills / HRD; and motivates students and teachers on study skills. Contact him at, Source: The Hans India