KATE MIDDLETON is the perfect model for New York women seeking a nose job. So much so that Manhattan plastic surgeon Stephen Greenberg has 20 patients scheduled to get "royal rhinoplasty" over the next month – at a cost of $7,000 each. One of those waiting for surgery, secretary Johanna Ricardi, told the New York Daily News: "It's just this cute, little perky nose. It's not too big. It's not too small. It will pretty much suit any type of face." Greenberg said the Duchess of Cambridge's nose is so coveted "we have made a file of a dozen Kate Middleton pictures to show patients when they come in for their consultation". Dr Thomas Romo, of Manhattan's Lenox Hill hospital, estimates he has performed more than 100 of the procedures and believes the Duchess of Cambridge's nose is popular with patients seeking a "natural" look. "Women, especially over the age of 28, want the nose of a woman who is regal, refined and strong," he claimed. "They certainly don't want the scooped out, over-affected, upturned, pinched nose of a pop star. Before her [Middleton], we used to get a lot of people wanting Jennifer Aniston's nose, but now Kate Middleton is everywhere and everyone admires her nose." Office manager Brianna Diaz, who will undergo the procedure in two weeks' time, tells the Daily News: "I just knew I had to have it". The 26-year-old said: "I saw her nose a little while ago and now it is a huge thing for me, like an obsession." The popularity of the royal schnozz comes as Yahoo Lifestyle! reports that the nine-weeks pregnant Duchess is calling her unborn child "grape", due to the current size of the foetus. The Duchess recently sent the tabloids into a frenzy when she appeared to reveal she is Source: The Week UK