UN Secretary General Ban Ki - moon is amazed but likes the South Korean rapper Psy's global hit Gangnam Style. "I'm very proud that his performance has been loved and enjoyed by more than 400 million people. It is amazing," Ban Ki-moon said. He says music is a force for world peace. "There are no languages required in the musical world. That is the power of music that is the power of the heart. Through this promotion of arts we can better understand the culture and civilizations of other people. In this era of instability and intolerance we need to promote better understanding through the power of music," he added. Ban Ki-moon who has been the face of Korea for years has been recently displaced as the best-known Korean after the emergence of chubby rapper's catchy video But the 68-year-old is delighted by the astonishing success of the song and he himself has seen it several times. The Gangnam style video has been viewed more than 400 million times. (with inputs from ANI), Source: News Track India, Image: flickr.com