Excessive weight causes various physical and skin problems. To lose weight people follow many diet charts and go to the gym regularly. However, dragon fruit is very useful to lose weight. This red fruit is usually the favorite fruit of South Americans.
However, it is also available in Vietnam, Thailand, and China. Dragon fruit is currently found in our country as well. Let’s know how dragon fruits help you to lose weight and get rid of acne.
> Apply dragon fruit juice on acne and its spots to get rid of the acne problem.
> You can scrub the skin by mixing some sugar with it. Again, you can mix vitamin C serum and apply it to acne.
> Make a paste by mixing 1/4 dragon fruit with vitamin E capsules. Now apply it on your skin for 15 minutes. Then rinse well in cold water.
> Eat dragon fruits regularly to lose weight. The fiber in it will help your digestion. It will keep the stomach full for a long time. As a result, you can refrain from eating repeatedly. This will reduce weight very quickly. Source: https://www.daily-bangladesh.com/