The nose is one of the most important parts of the human face where the blackheads began to accumulate. As a result, black spots appear on the nose.
Many men and women suffer from this problem. But do you know that all the ingredients are at your fingertips to take care of the skin of the nose! Let’s find out how to get rid of blackheads at home —
Ingredients: Two teaspoons of carrot juice, one teaspoon of pea-flour, 10 to 12 drops of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey.
Method: First blend a small carrot. Now make a pack by mixing all the other ingredients well one by one.Now apply the pack gently on the skin of your nose and leave it for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, rinse with cold water. Using this pack regularly you will get rid of your blackheads. Source: https://www.daily-bangladesh.com