Either a young woman or an old woman, all of they have a desire for slim-trim physique until they come to end of life. Today the life is so busy, that no every woman can give a time to gym. One other way to keep you in zero figures is diet. But this method is very difficult. For how long you can live a tasteless life. You will get bored and life become so dull if there is not taste in food. So what is the solution here? They have no time to go out for gym and diet control is a difficult job for them. So what is the way to have a slim-trim figure for such women? There is one more alternative that the women can choose. That is the selection of fabrics. To do experiments with different types of fabrics, colours and prints can help you a lot to look something attractive and slim-trim. The fabric you are going to wear should be in proper size and suits to your physique. Sometimes it is observed that we run after brand and choose one size less or one size big than our body shape. I prefer not to run behind brand, but try to shop for your body size fabric either it is branded or local. Do not prefer for the same style every times. If you are in habit of wearing vertical lined fabrics, then next time try with horizontal line fabrics and feel the difference. Do not wear very skin tight fittings and very loose fittings. Try to wear in fittings. Try for long dresses, V-neck dresses, wrapping fabrics on tops, well fitted jeans, and slim skirts. Silk fabrics, flat knits, linen and cotton fabrics help you a lot to make a slim look. Do not feel yourself as a fatty. Consider yourself as a beautiful and thin. Enjoy these fabric tips and live a confident life.
Source; Medley News,
Image: flickr.com