Lychee berry is an incredible antioxidant super fruit that has been praised for its health-promoting attributes that include polyphenols, which deliver excellent health benefits. Translated from Chinese as “gift for a joyful life,” lychee is a symbol of romance and love. It is sweet and delicious, and contains vitamins and minerals that promote a healthful diet. It has been enjoyed by natives of Southeast Asia for centuries. Lychee is said to relieve coughs when you ingest it in moderate amounts. It also has a beneficial effect on gastralgia, tumors and enlargement of the glands. According to Mehmet Oz, host of “The Dr. Oz Show” and vice-chair and professor of surgery at Columbia University, lychee is a powerful cancer-fighting fruit that is often added as a flavor to drinks. Studies conclude that lychee fruit prevents cancer cell growth. It contains flavonoids in its pulp, which are effective against breast cancer, in particular. Another health benefit of lychee is that it’s a good source of vitamin C, which helps the body fight heart disease and cancer. Athletes in East Asia use this fruit for its amazing fitness-enhancing properties and it is now increasing in popularity in the U.S. by health professionals such as Dr. Oz for its disease-prevention attributes. When it comes to nutritional value, lychee berries are low in calories and fat. According to an ancient Chinese belief, excessive consumption of raw lychees may cause fever and nosebleed. So try adding something new and exciting to your diet and eat lychee berries in moderation, rather than the same old fruits.additional research! Source: Fresh Plaza