Stroke is a cardiovascular disease that causes physical and cognitive impairment is a major cause of mortality and low labor around the world. It mainly affects older people but can occur in younger patients and even children. Despite its high incidence, there is widespread ignorance about the stroke. Statistics show that every 40 seconds someone suffers a stroke or stroke in the United States, while in Spain, there are about 100 000 new cases each year. Men tend to have more strokes than women, although they present risk during pregnancy or in the weeks afterwards. Stroke or stroke is defined as the interruption of blood supply to anypart of the brain. It is caused by a ruptured blood vessel or because it becomes clogged by a clot or other particle. This is due to the development of fatty deposits on the walls of the vessel (known as atherosclerosis). Watch your brain of a stroke (I) Fat deposits can cause two types of obstruction: 1) thrombosis, which occurs when a clot develops in the same cerebral blood vessel, or 2) embolism, the clot develops somewhere else in the body and then a portion of it breaks off and travels through the bloodstream until it finds a smaller vessel and blocks it. As a result, nerve cells in the brain affected area no longer receive oxygen and unable to work, die after a few minutes. Stroke is known by many names or synonyms, including: Cerebrovascular Accident (stroke or CVA), stroke, stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, ischemic stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke or apoplectic stroke, among others. Risk factors for stroke : Age, sex, race and family history are factors that increase the risk of stroke or stroke. There are other risk factors such as having suffered a stroke earlier, having high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, excessive alcohol, taking drugs like cocaine, smoking, head trauma, or consumption of certain medications such as birth control pills, among others. Source: Forum Human Health